By now, we have all combed through the internet looking for the perfect and feasible home workout
routines that work for our schedules. During trying times like these, it is important that we contribute to
our physical health not only in the form of hygiene, but also physical fitness. So grab your lemon water
and join us for these top rated workouts we are loving here at Heidi Houston (no, we are not sponsored
by any of them).
Barry’s Bootcamp: Join on their twice-daily Instagram live sessions for a 20-minute workout that is sure
to leave your muscles burning. They cover body weight exercises, in addition to band work for you legs
and bootie.
Orange Theory Fitness: For all you wanting to push your base pace, this fitness empire is posting their
full-body burner at-home workouts on their website! So hook your device up to your TV and feel the
burn in your living room.
Claire Thomas At Home: This college track star turned professional athlete has crafted an at-home
program that is definitely not for the faint of heart, and all you need is a pair of dumbbells! Download
this guide and be prepared to shed sweat, blood and tears (not literally) to have your body whipped into
summer shape, even during this quarantine.
Peloton: We have to say it! If you have been on the fence of buying one of these bikes for a while, now is
the time to do it – you will not be disappointed. This is the perfect investment during quarantine, but
once we resume “business as usual,” you will be thankful for this piece of equipment on the days you
are not able to make it to the gym and only have 30 minutes for a quick sweat.